Friday, 16 April 2010

Exhibition bike outside brixton tube station

I spotted this bicycle locked up to a lamppost outside Brixton tube station last week, it appears to be an exhibition of some sort, it had marker pen writing on it making reference to a couple of freedom of speech websites, which are speaking out against our government system.

They are: (The Peoples United Community) (The site home of Alex Jones acontroversial broadcaster covering government issues)

and a youtube video

Amazing how a bicycle parked outside a tube station can link you so so much.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Horniman Museum

The Horniman Museum is a stones throw from where I grew up. It is an interesting building and has a very interesting history, I popped in the other day and was delight to see a quote from the museum's founder; Frederick Horniman:

Those who use their eyes obtain the most enjoyment and knowledge. Those who look but do not see go away no wiser than when they came.

I found it interesting as it also related to my and many others' philosophy of photography.

A few images from my visit.

The view over London from the Horniman gardens.

The impressive Aquarium in the basement.

The Quote in the entrance gallery of the museum.